Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Resiliency of Filipinos

Filipinos love being connected since they still maintain close communications ties. More filipinos are getting connected thus increase mobility in lifestyle. This research studies why priest decide to stay in ministry in spite of or in midst or crisis experiences, and particularly explores what aspects of resilience best predict the perseverance of filipino clergy in their priestly life.

resilience, as a psychological construct was measured for four indices. secure attachment style, hopeful, cognitive style, appropriately regulated effective  style, and internalized spirituality. The results indicated that priestly perseverance among filipiono clergy is related to the correlates of resilience, particularly to internalized spirituality.

Internalized spirituality also fostered a resilient cognitive style, effective style and relational style that provide protective resources in times of crises. The study concludes by discussing the pastoral implication of the research findings for preparatory and ongoing priestly formation.

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