Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace, Manila

July 10,2018

Dear Mr. President Rodrigo Duterte

As a president, it is your responsibility to protect the universal rights and freedom of all Filipinos. In the last election, you won overwhelmingly over you arrivals. Being a president of our country must be really stressful for you. Mr. President, if you would allow us, may i offer a solution to you hair loss problem, and its absolutely free. Mr. President, let me be candid and honest in saying this Rodrigo Roa Duterte is both good and bad  as a leader of Filipino people. You are definitely better than the previous Philippines Presidents in the matter of decisive actions and possessing political. I will hope you will get to read this open letter words and hearts and that may noble intentions would somehow merit your kind consideration and understanding.

Your's Truly,
Charissa Maica Patubo
 10- Martinelli



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