Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Learning is very important to us for maintaining our responsibilities to our own personality. Learning also is one of the challenges to achieve you goals in life. Education is important also specially when you have a dreams tou want to become someday. Let's take our time wisely to think our doing be good to  other and  to make everybody become happy.

At the first quarterly period of ICT 10 i know that is  hard to think about computer speacially the history of computer and other topic about ICT 10. The internet, architects they  are not familiar  to us because thisnis all about ICT 10 but i know im in grade 10 student  and that will be tackle for the grade 10 student and now im in grade 10 im also having fun making a blogs in this we are interconnect one another  through blogs. Wen can also acccelerate  our minds speaking and give our best to do.

In facing the challenges  in making blogs. First time having my own account in blog. First time making a compositio of post it in our  own account in blog. Blog is one of the requirments, it will diffuculty compose an article about independence day, letter to president, nutrition month theme, state of the nation addresss (SONA) and many more. In this case i challenge myself to make an essay abour that topic.

All the sacrifices i have done i challenge myself  to dp our requirmenst daily and make time wisely for us.  To my beloved teacher Mrs. Evangeline Vera Cruz  teacher of ICT 10. Maam thank you for you all sacrifices to us in this first grading period  thank you for you cooperation with us. And thank you for teaching us about computer. Thank you very much maam. You did your best to us maam.



Ict is just a word but it meaningful. Ict is hard to understand the lesson but enjoyable. Learning is one important to a one studenr. Many c...