Thursday, October 18, 2018


Learning in ICT 10 is hard not totally hard. Learing is inportant because without this  we cannot see our future goal in life. Challenges in life is noy easy because you can do your efforts in that challenges if you are not interesting in thay challenges. Education is ome of the important for our life because without education you cannot have a dreams you want to become someday.

In this Second Quarterly  we talk about internet access and its all about computer. This quarter  we learn a lot about comouter. Every meeting we can do a exercise all about HTML ( HYPER TEXT MARK-UP LANGUAGE) and we enjoy doing that because we learn a lot.

To our teacher Mrs. Evageline Vera Cruz, thank you for everyting maam, for teaching  us everyday, for making our activities  very enjoyable. Thank you for the care, love , support and everything maam.

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Ict is just a word but it meaningful. Ict is hard to understand the lesson but enjoyable. Learning is one important to a one studenr. Many c...