Thursday, October 18, 2018


Learning in ICT 10 is hard not totally hard. Learing is inportant because without this  we cannot see our future goal in life. Challenges in life is noy easy because you can do your efforts in that challenges if you are not interesting in thay challenges. Education is ome of the important for our life because without education you cannot have a dreams you want to become someday.

In this Second Quarterly  we talk about internet access and its all about computer. This quarter  we learn a lot about comouter. Every meeting we can do a exercise all about HTML ( HYPER TEXT MARK-UP LANGUAGE) and we enjoy doing that because we learn a lot.

To our teacher Mrs. Evageline Vera Cruz, thank you for everyting maam, for teaching  us everyday, for making our activities  very enjoyable. Thank you for the care, love , support and everything maam.


The United Nations, as an congress, is well known to just about everyone around the world. The United Nations has been presented as both hero amd depending on which movie or show you wind up watching. United Nations Day celebrates the foundation of this great congress, and is a great opportunity foe you to learn the truth about its pasts, its present,  and what is plans are for the future.

How to Celebrate United Nations Day?  Celebrating United Nations Day can be completed by gettint to know about this great organization and the differences it makes in our life. Celebrations are held around the world. Some of the are as simple as lighting up bridges and buildings with the tradework blue of the United Nations,  other represenr art from around the world and are used as part of an Art Installation.

The most important thing that we shall remember why we celebrates United Nations. United Nations Day in the Philippines is mostly observed in schools, and government offices. Traditionally students and employees dress up in different national costumes or traditional clothing of different nations.


A teacher guides us in the right direction and leads us to the success. A teacher dedicate his/her whole life to provide the previous knowledge to the students and help to build a clever and intellogent society. Parents give birth to their children, they look after them, love and feed them. But there are moee facets to life, and thats where teachers come in picture.

Teachers dont just teach their subjects, they teach us the importance of being disciplined hard working and many more. Teachers are the one of the gift of god for us, because without teachers we cannot see our future without our teachers. Teachers participate in a lot of administrative work whether it is school, college or university. Teachers consume their whole life to build the future of their.

For all the students , teachers day is like an occasion and opportunity to pay tribute and gratitude to their teachers for their continuous selfless and previous efforts in shaping the future. They are the reason to enrich all the quality eduaction system in the country and process it continously without getting tired. Our teachers never consider us less thean their own children and teacher us from their heart. Thank you for everything to all the teachers in this school. Ilocos Sur National High School.


"Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activiting Technological Advancement" is the theme of Nation Science Theme.

For me, the theme means that we must find out our own inner potential so that we can contribute to technological advancements in our own ways. Technology has long been present in this world. However, we use it in ab abusive manner. We use our cellphones to waste our time. We use the internet to waste our time on games, to bash, to collect gossip, and others meaningless things.

I am sure that you can cite more ideas in your " Accentuating Potential, Activating Technological Advancements" the effects of Technological advancement and contribute in developing science and technology in your own little way.


Ict is just a word but it meaningful. Ict is hard to understand the lesson but enjoyable. Learning is one important to a one studenr. Many c...