Thursday, December 6, 2018


Christmas is a time to renew bonds of love. It's also a great time to use that love to build bridges of understanding, acceptance and forgiveness.

Our first without our father, who would have celebrated his 59th year exactly on December 25. But Christmas  is always a celebration of memories. For me, family is the meaning of Christmas. Wherever we may be throughout the year,we all make it a point to be together on Christmas time. Christmas is all about sharing from our hearts what we have with those who have less in life. Not only during season but for the reason that we can be conduits of blessing to the all throughout the year. I have always thought about Christmas time, when it has come round, as a good time. Christmas is all about love. Christmas is best enjoyed when it isn't centered on decoration,gifts or festivities, but when love is at its core.

Every day is like Christmas for us because Jesus is so good to us every day, but this time is extra special because he pours out his love in extra measure. It brings out the best in everyone because it brings Jesus out and he's the best.


It may be difficult for the younger  generation to comprehend the idea of discrimination. it is often that we learn from our past but is that really true? Inequalities have existed in our society for thousand of years. Today we still have people who face prejudice and inequality every day. The concept of gender equality and equal opportunity has been debated for decades and been part of the community's key principle.

To gain insight into equal opportunities and diversity management we will define them. We will then look at the differences between two statement. By gaining knowledge around the differences we will investigate what affect is has on organisations in their efforts of improving diversity. 

This layer also determines most of our life situations as it mainly indicate with who interact with where we cant to stay or what we earn.a


Ict is just a word but it meaningful. Ict is hard to understand the lesson but enjoyable. Learning is one important to a one studenr. Many c...